17 Signs The Need for Approval Is Stressing You Out

Everyone likes to feel approved, get praised for a job well done or be on the receiving end of a sincere compliment. Where approval goes wrong is when we do or say things, often unconsciously, to gain admiration or applause in order to cover some sense of unworthiness or insufficiency.

Without realizing it, the need to feel admired or liked can add boatloads of stress to our already maxed out life.


Here are 17 signs your drive to feel validated and gain approval could be stressing you out:

* You often talk up your accomplishments or connections so others will know how well you’ve done or are doing

* You position yourself or the work you do in a slightly better light than is actually true.

* You downplay your mistakes so that others won’t think less of you.  

The Winning Ticket Is In Your Pocket

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you know recently there was a record Powerball lottery prize of $1.5 billion dollars.  I won’t ask if you bought a ticket or if your palms were sweaty as they called out the winning numbers. If you bought one, just nod your head.  If you didn’t buy one, try not to be smug about it.

Several folks had hoaxes played on them. Some friend or family member with a twisted sense of humor tricked them into believing they had won it all.  I suspect of few of those guys ended up in traction.


Though I didn’t buy a ticket for this Powerball( Caron says she was tempted) I do admit to buying probably 4-5 tickets at various times in the past. Clearly, I was desperate. So I threw a “hail mary” in the direction of my debts and retirement.  But no dice. Dropped balls every time.

Except this one time.

LTP 14- One Skill You Must Have for Better Relationships & It’s Not Listening

How can you best connect with and inquire about the people in your life? In this podcast episode, David & Caron Loveless discuss the challenge that many of us seem to be bankrupt in, which is our ability to care for and be curious about others, through the questions we ask them.

The power of a good question is that it can encourage and empower all those that we regularly live with, work with, and relate to.


To listen to the audio of this podcast, push the above play arrow.


Here is a brief summary of today’s episode of “The Live True Podcast.”  You can use this as a reference or reminder of key things you feel like you need to pay attention to or pass on to others, in the next 7 days of your life.

Jesus was master question asker. Why?

At the heart of effective living, loving, and leading, is making relational investments.  And one of the best ways is having a curiosity in those relationships where both care and help can be demonstrated.

LTP 13- The Most Important Hour You Can Spend This Month

Powerful & practical ways to review your life

Learn how to use 9 simple questions to review the end of the year, or even your life. In this podcast Episode, David Loveless talks about the most important hour you can spend this month, and why he has done it every year, for more than 3 decades.

To listen to the audio of this podcast, click the above play arrow.


Here is a brief summary of today’s episode of “The Live True Podcast.”  You can use this as a reference or reminder of key things you feel like you need to pay attention to or pass on to others, in the next 7 days of your life.

Most every year, over the past 3 decades of my life, I’ve gotten away for a couple of days, at the end of the year, to review the previous year, before planning the new one.

One of the primary values of doing a “Year-End Review” is having a process to complete the past so you’re able to bring forward, into the new year, lessons learned from the previous one.  But then you don’t want to drag any of the unnecessary parts into the future, where it might sabotage it.

Nothing to Prove: Chapter 2: What We Know Now

The following is an excerpt from our new ebook that is available beginning today.  This book is a a very candid, behind the scenes look, at the journey of transformation that we’ve been on the last several years, and the things we’ve learned that can help change your life as well.


Chapter 2:  What We Know Now


You can never be other than who you are

until you are willing to embrace the reality of who you are.

David Benner

You don’t have to experience a tragedy like ours, or any other failure with a thousand different names, in order to identify the real root of your own internal issues. We hope it won’t come to that. Our purpose in writing this book is to help you avoid some of the ditches in your future if at all possible. Unfortunately, for many of us it often does take a serious trial, illness or loss to break us open enough to see parts of our life that aren’t working so well.

LT Podast 6- Why You Must Know Your Ego

To listen to today’s podcast, simply click on the “play” button on the podcast player above OR if you’ve already subscribed to “The Live True Podcast” then the episode can be accessed through either your Apple or Android device, in your podcast app.

Here is a brief summary of today’s episode of “The Live True Podcast.”  You can use this as a reference or reminder of key things you feel like you need to pay attention to or pass on to others, in the next 7 days of your life.IMG_6883What exactly is the Ego? 

We used to think when someone’s ego was showing that person was pretty much just full of himself, bigger than life, sucking all the air out a room to keep himself pumped up and sure of himself.

But, we’re discovering that’s only the tip of iceberg , a kind of the caricature version of the ego –there’s so much more

LT Podcast 5 – Perfectly Positioned (with guest Francis Anfuso)

To listen to today’s podcast, simply click on the “play” button on the podcast player above OR if you’ve already subscribed to “The Live True Podcast” then the episode can be accessed through either your Apple or Android device, in your podcast app.


Here is a brief summary of today’s episode of “The Live True Podcast.”  You can use this as a reference or reminder of key things you feel like you need to pay attention to or pass on to others, in the next 7 days of your life.

Perfectly Positioned:  An interview with Francis Anfuso

How to Make the Most of Your Next Meeting

Several months ago, I was driving to meet a leader who had initiated lunch with me. And, while I was on my way, I started thinking about the possibilities that might come from our getting together.


I thought there might be some mutual benefit to a potential partnership and I started rehearsing in my mind a few things I might need to say or demonstrate for that to happen.

Then I woke up. I realized I had left the activity of actually driving my car and had slipped into a momentary “trance” that was heading toward self-serving.

LT Podcast 4- 3 Beliefs That Will Sabotage Your Life

To listen to today’s podcast, simply click on the “play” button on the podcast player above OR if you’ve already subscribed to “The Live True Podcast” then the episode can be accessed through either your Apple or Android device, in your podcast app. 


Here is a brief summary of today’s episode of “The Live True Podcast.”  You can use this as a reference or reminder of key things you feel like you need to pay attention to or pass on to others, in the next 7 days of your life.

How to Catch Your Shadow Self in the Act

These days we spend a lot of time coaching and counseling people who are trying to grow through some area of their life that is not working.



Their work world or personal life is not moving as fluid as they’d like and they’ve come to us to figure out how to live, love and lead better. Some want to know what’s causing them to feel stuck or what caused them to experience failure.

One of the first things we notice in these conversations is how honest and in touch a person, couple or leader is able to be with their shadow self.