Where Are David & Caron Teaching These Days?

People regularly ask if we are teaching anywhere these days.  The answer is: “Yes.”

We teach through our ministry: Live True  headquartered @youlivetrue.com. We write weekly blogs, produce a weekly podcast- The Live True Podcast, and we have written a new book Nothing To Prove, (which will be available in soft cover in 4 weeks) that candidly details our heartbreakingly good story of inner wholeness and spiritual transformation in our journey to embracing our True Selves in God.

AND we open our home each Sunday for teaching & spiritual community. We also do weekly counseling & coaching sessions for individuals, couples, leaders, churches and teams.


Our Sunday gathering is: 

  • for anyone hungry for something new in their walk with God 
  • small and intimate, allowing us to know and be known by others
  • where we demonstrate spiritual practices that are life-giving to us & we make time to actually practice them without people feeling intimidated or uncomfortable
  • where we teach from the scriptures a few of the many transforming things that have created breakthroughs for us in our living, loving, and leading.  
  • where everyone gets a chance to ask questions and exchange insights about what we’re all learning

We would love to have you join us in our home if you live in or around the Orlando area any ‪Sunday 10:30am-Noon.

We center everything around Christ, Conversation & Community.

This Sunday, we begin a new series on 5 significant rhythms we see in Jesus’ life.  These rhythms are easily incorporated into your personal, relational, and vocational life…and we’ve seen they can produce higher levels of fulfillment and fruitfulness in your life.

If you’re interested in joining us just email Caron or me at [email protected] or [email protected].

We hope no matter what you’re doing this week or where you’ll be that you will continue to seek and discover the Divine in the your daily experiences. 

Live True Update & Need Your Help

Live True - Live, Lead, & Love from the Source of Your True IdentityDear Friends & Faithful Subscribers

This month marks our FIRST YEAR in the blogosphere and we have YOU to THANK for hanging in there with us through all manner of bloopers, bugs, glitches, tweaks & typos. As we expected, launching an online platform is not for the faint of heart. But a light heart -and you -have kept us in the game with so many encouraging comments and emails affirming the work we feel passionately called to do.

 Thank you for granting us the time and attention you do each week.

We’re truly grateful. 

After a ministry trip to Sacramento, CA and taking some time to mark our 40th Anniversary (!!!) we’ll be launching several new initiatives that have us biting our acrylic nails and pretty dang excited. 

1) We’re getting ready to launch The LiveTrue PODCAST

(Cue our 30-something kids rolling their eyes—What? Are they crazy?!!)

Yeah. Pretty much. This is either going to be something like the 70’s Gong Show or a private audience with Mother Teresa or both.  And, yes, all ye who know us (or, know David) are keenly aware we have absolutely no podcast-tech-savvy-know-how -whatsoever. At least, not yet.

 But, when has that ever stopped us? 

Where IS God When the Stuff Hits the Fan?

In the early months of the worst crisis of my life, God went AWOL.

Seriously. I was in shambles and God was a no show.

Thanks, I told God, for feeling the freedom to high tail it out of here

leaving me to fend for myself in this snake infested quicksand of catastrophe.

Being in literal, physical shock had a lot to do with my utter disconnect.

But, there were also a whole lot of questions I really needed answers to …..like….

why would you, God, put a sweet girl like me in a mess like this? I mean, You SAW all this coming right?

In the famous words of that great saint, Ricky Ricardo,

God had some “splaining” to do.

Sometimes, God does seem to ignore us in our most desperate hours.

I hate that.

And sorry, Carrie Underwood, great song, but why would I ever let

Jesus Take The Wheel

when it looks like he keeps falling asleep?

I hope you’ve never felt like God abandoned you

or experienced confusion over his whereabouts when bad news showed up at your door.

But, if you have, I want to pass along a few things I am learning:

1) Jesus said, ‘ No good tree bears bad fruit

which we can pretty safely rely on to mean: “no Good God makes anything bad.” Hmm.

You mean, God does not cause bad things to happen to good people?

Like God did not “take my sister to heaven”

because heaven needed her more than we did?

No. God is a Giver, not a taker.

This is not God trying to teach us a lesson,

or take away someone or something we love more than we love him

because he is a “jealous God.”

God is Good. God only gives Goodness.

2) When hard things happen God is not “causing” them –

but, hang on-

consider -also-  that God might not be “preventing” them either.


I thought God is supposed to protect us.

(It may have something to do with our idea of “protection.”)

But, from the beginning, God gifted us with a powerful thing called

free will.

 Yay! I am free

to live and explore and love and enjoy my life as much as I please.



And…THEY are also free to make ugly faces, ignore, judge, hate,

neglect, abuse, even murder someone

with that same lovely free will.

Oh, yikes.


The gifts of God are irrevocable–God doesn’t have a return policy on free will-

just like -thankfully- there are no returns on God’s love.

We are free to hurt each other till the cows come home

and God is not a rabid referee blowing the whistle at every little foul thing.

This is an eternal spiritual “law’ written in the Universe. For everyone.

We don’t get our free will revoked for wreckless living.

So-that stinks in stinky situations.

This is one case where it appears we can’t it both ways.

3) God “allowed” the potential for our suffering when God gave us all free will.

AND God, knowing this would be the case

has made provision for us whenever heartache comes.

 Jesus reminds us of God’s promise to never leave us or forsake us,

regardless of what the free-willed world dumps on us.

 God is ever-present in times of trouble.
Which I now translate to mean:

Whatever comes– God comes with it.

God is ever present to our pain and suffering, our fear and disappointment

and God comes right in there with it to overwhelm us

with Great Goodness, Grace & Hope.

This is what it really means to be able to say

‘With God ALL things are possible.’

The focus is always ‘with God.’

 When we acknowledge, when we sink our full weight into the reality

that God With Us, is ever- in us strengthening,

Ever-over us comforting, ever-under us carrying,

it almost hardly matters what situation we face.

God -for sure -has got us fully covered.

Our job –the hardest part

–is to release our resistance to what is happening

& allow God’s Comfort & Goodness

to carry us through the day of trouble without our fighting it.

God cannot cause our suffering and may not prevent it.

But God sees it, knows it, feels it and redeems it.

 God overwhelms whatever overwhelms us with Himself.

When we can find God’s presence in our pain

God is able to carry us through anything.

 If you find yourself in times of trouble, conflict or brokenness

or if you sense there must be a better way to do this life

let us @youlivetrue.com be part of God’s being present to you. Contact us.

And Thanks! for passing this blog on

to someone you think might be interested.

What’s Wrong With Living Strong?

Maybe, it was the steady diet of Superman, the Lone Ranger and Mission Impossible I devoured as kid.  It could have been a certain way I viewed the men in my town, my church or my family.  Or, it might have been a string of early successes and the great feelings of affirmation I got from them.  I’m not really sure how it happened.  But, by the time I reached adulthood, firmly rooted in me was a belief that almost nothing was impossible for me.

Sounds crazy I know. I could not have articulated this, but it was this underlying mindset that, somehow allowed me to ‘hold it together‘ no matter how challenging or difficult the circumstance or relationship.  It was this myth that got me far in life and saw me through some really difficult times. Cool right? Not so fast.

This same myth also produced extreme levels of exhaustion that I continuously carried for decades. And it was that depleted state that left me painfully vulnerable, eventually leading me to the most devastating failure of my life. 

Have you ever believed you were strong enough?  What if I were to tell you that Jesus knew ahead of time that NONE of us would ever be strong enough?

Recently, I read Matthew 26 and saw something totally fresh for me.  Jesus says, “This very night you will all fall away on account of me… But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee.”  Peter replied, “Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.”   “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “This very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.”   But Peter declared, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.”   And all the other disciples said the same.” “

The disciple’s perception of themselves & Jesus’ view of them couldn’t have been more opposite.  They believed & declared that they were strong enough to go through any difficulty for Jesus.  He believed & declared that they weren’t.  He saw what they refused to see about themselves… that they simply were not strong enough.  These are the foremost followers of Jesus.  They had spent more time with Him, in the most astonishing circumstances, than anyone ever had.   They believed their commitment to Him was enough to sustain them through the worst circumstances the evil one could devise for them.

I totally get their thinking, their determination. That’s exactly what I thought. Let the enemy just try to deter me from fulfilling God’s holy purposes for my life!

Now here’s what’s astounding to me:  Jesus makes compassionate plans for his disciple’s failure.  He knows ahead of time that they won’t be strong enough so He tells them… after your fallI’ll see you on the ‘other side.’  I’ll see you in Galilee. And all will be well then. (More on that in another post.)

Several months later… walking in the power of God’s Spirit, the disciple’s self-awareness had dramatically changed.  They realized that there was a MASSIVE difference between their limited capacity & Jesus’ infinite one.    

You & I can’t rely on our commitment & strength to win the day. Of course we KNOW this but we often fail to live like it.  Trust my experience in this.  And trust Jesus’ word on it.   Our power and commitment –even as determined and successful as we sometimes appear to be will absolutely run out, fall short and fail us.  We are only fooling others and ourselves when we believe (often this is subconscious) that our strength and abilities are near limitless.  Eventually we WILL reach our limit. Our strength will desert us.

The really good news in all this, as my wife, Caron, and I can wholly testify to, is Jesus’s mighty power in us and toward us can take us through and beyond the most disastrous situation imaginable.  He knows ahead of time we will falter and he’s already made provision before the fact to meet us at the corner of Grace and Strength.

So here are some questions I’m pondering these days.  How would you answer them?

1) Do I most often put my faith in MY commitment to Jesus OR am I putting my faith in HIS commitment to me?

2) Am I experiencing Jesus’ unwavering commitment & capacity toward me, that goes above and beyond my greatest defeats?

*WE @ Kairos Collective can help you find and live into the strength and freedom Jesus makes available each day.  We’re here to serve you.  Let us hear from you.

( * With thanks & acknowledgement to my friend Mike Breen for the original insight for this post)

Pardon my dust

It only seems appropriate that while we are still building & cleaning up this new website, that I would ask you to ‘pardon my dust.’ I was minding my own business the other day… actually working on this business… when a song popped into Pandora, by Chris Rice, called “Pardon my dust.”  The words gave me great pause…as I reflected on the current season of my life.  Don’t know where you are… with yourself or others… but maybe you need this pause as well.

Pardon my dust, excuse the mess…we’re making somethin’ new out of all of this… I’m saying my prayers, and I’m trying to change… so give me some time, ’cause I’m still finding my way

Why are you lookin’ at me this way? pointing your finger, shakin’ your head …how ’bout some love along the way, instead

Pardon my dust, excuse this mess… I’ve left a trail of debris, so you’ve gotta be very careful where you step… I’ve made some mistakes, so what? Done quite a few things wrong… Could you roll up your tidy sleeves and help a brother along?

Pardon my dust, excuse the mess… Please don’t be another judge I need to try to impress …Stop calling me names, stop casting your stones… let the good Lord sort this all out when we are all at home

Pardon my dust, excuse my mess… help me believe there’s gonna be something beautiful on the other side of this… have patience with me, I’m still sweeping floors so pardon my dust, I’ll pardon yours