By David & Caron Loveless

We most often expect to find God in moments of peace, love, and joy. While that is true- it is also true that God is present and at work, in the times we feel most resistant. Someone has said, “What we resist persists.” Resistance is a pretty good sign that some part of our egoic, false self is being triggered. It is right at that point we find our greatest invitation to spiritual maturity.


We both have had resistance in each of the following ways.  But the more we have moved from resistance to receptivity, in these, the greater the transformational effect in our lives.  We believe the same can be true for you.

1) Resistance to change

We are creatures of habit. Change takes effort and it can make us feel threatened or insecure. But we don’t grow if we don’t change. Watch for times when you are being given a divine opportunity to grow through change and you feel reticent to comply.

2) Resistance to reconcile

When we have been wounded or slighted our ego builds a fortress for protection against further pain. Sometimes we dig in our heels, build a case for resentment or give up on important relationships because of a traumatic encounter.

Learn to recognize the tug of resistance to relational healing.

Some of us actually feel more “at home” holding a grudge or being against someone or something. Look for this pattern in yourself and see it as prime territory for transformation.

3) Resistance to people

Maybe they have not wounded you but certain people just bother you. You avoid them for obvious or nebulous reasons. They may be different, or not to your liking in some way.

Question your resistance to anyone or anything.

Could your resistance be about having to let go of some of your own preferred ways of being in order accept this person as they are?

4) Resistance to lack of control

Holding to the illusion that we are in control of our circumstances keeps many of us in a fortified stance when our ability to control gets challenged. We will know we are growing in self-awareness when we begin to notice situations that challenge our need for control. Our health, our children, our spouse, our work, our neighbors, our budget; the list of “uncontrollable’s” is endless.

We prolong our own suffering when we insist on

taking the reigns to produce outcomes or avoid experiencing behaviors.

Right at the point of our most resistance is a beautiful place to see God. It is there God is inviting us to relax the tension, let go and let be. If God can be okay and welcome anyone or anything, then the God inside us is all the power we need, to do the same.

If we can notice our times of resistance without rationalizing our need for it, we can keep positioning ourselves for greater personal and spiritual transformation.

Further Resources:

Don’t miss the new season of our Live True Podcast Show.  The first episode will be released this week and will act as a follow-up conversation to the topic of today’s blog.

For those in the Central Florida area, David will be speaking Aug 21, Pine Castle Methodist Church, at their 9 & 10:45am services.  We’d love to see you if you’re in the area. For directions, CLICK HERE.

Also, if you, your marriage, or your team is feeling stuck in any way, we would love the opportunity to act as either a coach or consultant to you or a speaker for your next event.  We’re here to help you live, love, and lead from a healthy soul. If you’re interested, contact us by CLICKING HERE.


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David Loveless
David Loveless is a leadership coach, pastor to pastors and strategic, spiritual advisor to churches and businesses, throughout the world. He is the Co-Founder of "Live True." He previously served as founding pastor of Discovery Church, Orlando, Fl for 29 years. David and his wife Caron are parents of three sons and are the grandparents of their seven delightfully energized children.