Church/ReligionPersonal DevelopmentSpiritual Formation

Sunday Gathering With David & Caron Loveless

By September 11, 2015 No Comments

IMG_5958Many people regularly ask us if we are teaching or leading anywhere these days.  The answer is: “Yes.”

We teach and lead through our weekly business called: “Live True.” found at  We do this through our weekly blogs that we write; weekly counseling & coaching sessions we do for individuals, couples, leaders, and teams; and through other speaking opportunities that we have.

We also teach and lead through our weekend gathering that meets in our home.  We decided for this season of our life, we just wanted to be a part of

  • something small and intimate where each of us could better know one another;
  • where we could demonstrate spiritual practices that have been life-giving to us & help people practice themselves (without feeling intimidated or uncomfortable);
  • and where we could teach from the scriptures, just a few of the many amazing things that have been creating breakthroughs in our living, loving, and leading.  And then for people to be able to discuss what they’ve heard.

So because people keep asking us, we occasionally tell them about our Sunday gathering.  So if you’re in the Orlando area (which we know many of you are not) we would love to have you in our home on any Sunday.  We meet from 10:30am-Noon.  Our Sunday gatherings are all about: Christ. Conversation. Community.

This Sunday, I’m going to begin a brand new series from the Mark 1 on what the core message that Jesus says will make the difference between whether your experience heaven on earth where it’s always messy OR wait and experience heaven in heaven where it’s always perfect.  Guess which is most powerful?

If you’re interested in attending, simply email me at [email protected] or [email protected]

Hope that no matter what you’re doing this weekend or where you’ll be that you will continue to discover the divine in the daily.

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Over the years, Caron and I have found a healthy rhythm between rest and work.

We want to give you some simple rhythms, practices and mindsets that will help you feel more restored and refreshed.

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David Loveless
David Loveless is a leadership coach, pastor to pastors and strategic, spiritual advisor to churches and businesses, throughout the world. He is the Co-Founder of "Live True." He previously served as founding pastor of Discovery Church, Orlando, Fl for 29 years. David and his wife Caron are parents of three sons and are the grandparents of their seven delightfully energized children.