LTP 23- Accepting Our Necessary Losses

In this podcast Episode, David & Caron Loveless discuss how to live through and actually cooperate with both little and big deaths or losses throughout our lives, so something even larger and more fulfilling can emerge from it all… and how the resurrection shows the way.

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Here is a brief summary of today’s episode of “The Live True Podcast.”  You can use this as a reference or reminder of key things you feel like you need to pay attention to or pass on to others, in the next 7 days of your life.

Let’s begin with my confession:  “I don’t like to die!”


It’s no surprise that as humans we avoid physical death, like the plague.  But there’s actually a far more significant death that we avoid… it’s the death of our ego… the death of who we perceive we are, or think we should be… the death of who we think others want us to be or think that we are.  So let me try again.

“I don’t like for anything I’ve manufactured…. created… can take credit for… I’m attached to… my beliefs, my opinions… my compulsive thinking….that i believe enhances or supports my identity.. I don’t like for any of that to die.”

We have a fear of dying our little deaths but it is the thing that keeps us from growing.

5 Ways We Look for the Living Among the Dead

There is always one question that most compels and convicts me whenever I read about the resurrection of Jesus, and it’s this:

 “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” 

 The scripture says two men that “gleamed like lightning” spoke these words to the women who arrived early in the morning at the tomb of Jesus. (Luke 24) The women had gone to pay homage to the dead and were stunned to find a robbery.


And so, I ask myself and I ask you,

why are we all still looking for the living among the dead?”

Why do we think we’ll find life in that which has no breath? 

If we follow Jesus we’ve put our faith in his words, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”  John 10:10

But I don’t really think we believe this because we keep on clutching at cobwebs and digesting decay. We keep looking for life in all the wrong places.  Here are at least five of them:

10 Powerful Quotes That Bring Life to the Death of Jesus

If you are in any way familiar with the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus, like we are, you know how easy it can be to walk through this Holy season on spiritual auto-pilot. As someone we know has said, ” What else can we possibly say about the most profound event in history that hasn’t already been said a million times?”

Perhaps, one way to make The Passion of Christ come alive again in our hearts might be to see it through our own suffering, our own wounds and our own little deaths.


To encourage some fresh seeing for our own lives we’ve gathered ten quotations that provoke us toward a more conscious Good Friday and Easter. In addition to scripture, over the next few weeks,  we plan to read these quotes, first, all at once, then slowly in meditation.

Here are 3 simple ways you can join us: 

Jesus Shows Us ‘The Way’

Here’s a very personal video message from us for Easter weekend.  We hope you’ll use it as some part of your own private reflections.  May you receive a significant breakthrough as you acknowledge The One Who Shows Us The Way in everything.

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