3 Hidden Ways You Stress Yourself Out

I’m coming to see that a great deal of my stress is not caused by circumstances beyond my control – but by my own need to control my circumstances. 

I could give you a ton of examples of this ( and so could those brave, intrepid souls who have worked and lived with me 🙂 but one incident that quickly comes to mind is the time a team of us spent three hot, sweaty days preparing for our son’s outdoor wedding reception at the beautiful lakefront home of his in-laws-to-be.

It was fun and exciting and stressful.

I was the “wedding coordinator.” And we pulled out the stops to make this moment as fabulous as we could imagine, complete with a huge tent, newly constructed (by the brides father) dance- floor -deck with those cool dangling lights, a fireworks barge on the lake and giant moving search lights beaming love into the night sky for all the world, or at least, everyone within 10 miles, to see.  

It was glorious…

Until the worst thunderstorm in recorded history suddenly hit just minutes before the guests were to arrive. The wind gusted easily 50-60mph. There wasn’t even time to pull down the tent flaps we had especially added ” just in case.”

The storm stood STILL right over the lake, pounding wind and rain and thunder and lightning for a solid 45 mins.

It blew in so fast the caterers had no time to rescue the wedding cake which was pummeled with flying debris of every type including a generous assortment of insects native to Central Florida. Completely full champagne fountains blew over. All the table linens & candles were soaked.

Flowers I had spent days designing myself were strewn to oblivion.  And this is just the cliff notes version. 

Totally, my worst nightmare. I feel sick even now just writing about it. 

After the storm passed, everyone was soaked to the bone–just getting from our cars to the house was a feat. And I stood in shocked disbelief amongst the soggy remains of what had been a stunning reception hoping to salvage anything remotely resembling beauty.

Meanwhile, the bride, groom, her parents and guests were having a wonderful time snacking on dripping wet appetizers & listening to the dance trio now set up in the living room. They were making merry, seemingly pretty much unfazed by the catastrophe we had all just witnessed.

I, however, was having a full on, mascara bleeding breakdown. 

Ok. So, what’s really going on when we go all bonkers? 

The source of all YOUR stress lies deep inside YOU. 

Here are 3 often unidentified causes for stress you might want to consider:

1) Shame based stress

This stress is created by our ego need for approval, our need to feel accepted by certain people in our lives or, sometimes, by the entire world at large. We may take on projects to please others or ones that will put us in the spotlight or we may deny ourselves the rest we need in order to do something for a boss, friend or family member, whose approval is really important to us.

We may go to pieces at the failure of something we’ve worked on or over the disapproval of certain significant others. At our core we basically feel WE ARE NOT ENOUGH, not good enough, so we must make up for this lack, or cover the shame we feel for not being enough by doing, performing, appearing to be an amazing person, able to do or say amazing things.

We act in whatever way necessary in hopes of proving to people and to ourselves that we are really ok, that we are truly good enough. 

2) Fear based stress 

This stress is based on our fear that WE DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH, we need more of something to feel safe.

This could mean we work harder than others to acquire MORE money, study harder or stay in school longer to gain MORE education, or we collect more “toys,” have an insatiable appetite for more information, near addiction at times to possess more material things, we might eat more, or have deep need to make and keep more and more friends.

There is always a fear of not having enough of something. And, in an effort to feel safer, more secure in the world we stress ourselves out trying to obtain that illusive feeling of safety and security. 

3) Guilt base stress

This stress creates a lot of guilty self-talk like ” I’m already behind before I’ve even started.” It’s about living into an internal, pre-recorded “script” that says, ” better not waste time” ” you are what you do” or tries to disprove a negative comment someone once said, like, “you’ll never amount to anything.”

So you’ll show them! And in the process you may visit the emergency room with chest pains every year because you’re trapped in guilt based stress.

Guilt based stress is always coming from the notion ( we picked up somewhere) that WE HAVE NOT DONE ENOUGH. 

So, what’s really stressing you out? Is it really someone else or something else causing you all this tension and pain? 

We all have issues, at times, with each of these 3 stressors. But, usually, there is one that does most of the damage, one primary script that keeps you frazzled, unhappy or all churned up. 

Take a few minutes to reflect on your own stressful tendencies and how they show up in your life. 

How are you actually creating the stress you’re trying so hard to avoid? 

And how is the way you generate your own stress affecting your most important relationships? 

 Sit a few minutes in silence and notice how and where your body feels stress and, without judging yourself, ( just notice) inquire where that tension might originate from.

That horrendous thunderstorm that leveled our sons reception was not really what caused the stress I felt. 

But, at the time, that’s all I could see.

 (Or talk about. )

I have since learned that I struggle with a debilitating inner belief that I will never be enough. And when things go wrong or go seemingly unnoticed after I’ve put lots of “myself” into them, I can tend to get a bit crazy. 

The good news is I am finally finding tremendous help and healing (though I still have work to do) through the tools and practices we use and teach at youlivetrue.com

If you’d like help tracking down the true source of your own stressful tendencies contact us for a consultation @youlivetrue.com. We get your stress

And PLEASE SHARE THIS BLOG with someone you think might be interested. 

Where IS God When the Stuff Hits the Fan?

In the early months of the worst crisis of my life, God went AWOL.

Seriously. I was in shambles and God was a no show.

Thanks, I told God, for feeling the freedom to high tail it out of here

leaving me to fend for myself in this snake infested quicksand of catastrophe.

Being in literal, physical shock had a lot to do with my utter disconnect.

But, there were also a whole lot of questions I really needed answers to …..like….

why would you, God, put a sweet girl like me in a mess like this? I mean, You SAW all this coming right?

In the famous words of that great saint, Ricky Ricardo,

God had some “splaining” to do.

Sometimes, God does seem to ignore us in our most desperate hours.

I hate that.

And sorry, Carrie Underwood, great song, but why would I ever let

Jesus Take The Wheel

when it looks like he keeps falling asleep?

I hope you’ve never felt like God abandoned you

or experienced confusion over his whereabouts when bad news showed up at your door.

But, if you have, I want to pass along a few things I am learning:

1) Jesus said, ‘ No good tree bears bad fruit

which we can pretty safely rely on to mean: “no Good God makes anything bad.” Hmm.

You mean, God does not cause bad things to happen to good people?

Like God did not “take my sister to heaven”

because heaven needed her more than we did?

No. God is a Giver, not a taker.

This is not God trying to teach us a lesson,

or take away someone or something we love more than we love him

because he is a “jealous God.”

God is Good. God only gives Goodness.

2) When hard things happen God is not “causing” them –

but, hang on-

consider -also-  that God might not be “preventing” them either.


I thought God is supposed to protect us.

(It may have something to do with our idea of “protection.”)

But, from the beginning, God gifted us with a powerful thing called

free will.

 Yay! I am free

to live and explore and love and enjoy my life as much as I please.



And…THEY are also free to make ugly faces, ignore, judge, hate,

neglect, abuse, even murder someone

with that same lovely free will.

Oh, yikes.


The gifts of God are irrevocable–God doesn’t have a return policy on free will-

just like -thankfully- there are no returns on God’s love.

We are free to hurt each other till the cows come home

and God is not a rabid referee blowing the whistle at every little foul thing.

This is an eternal spiritual “law’ written in the Universe. For everyone.

We don’t get our free will revoked for wreckless living.

So-that stinks in stinky situations.

This is one case where it appears we can’t it both ways.

3) God “allowed” the potential for our suffering when God gave us all free will.

AND God, knowing this would be the case

has made provision for us whenever heartache comes.

 Jesus reminds us of God’s promise to never leave us or forsake us,

regardless of what the free-willed world dumps on us.

 God is ever-present in times of trouble.
Which I now translate to mean:

Whatever comes– God comes with it.

God is ever present to our pain and suffering, our fear and disappointment

and God comes right in there with it to overwhelm us

with Great Goodness, Grace & Hope.

This is what it really means to be able to say

‘With God ALL things are possible.’

The focus is always ‘with God.’

 When we acknowledge, when we sink our full weight into the reality

that God With Us, is ever- in us strengthening,

Ever-over us comforting, ever-under us carrying,

it almost hardly matters what situation we face.

God -for sure -has got us fully covered.

Our job –the hardest part

–is to release our resistance to what is happening

& allow God’s Comfort & Goodness

to carry us through the day of trouble without our fighting it.

God cannot cause our suffering and may not prevent it.

But God sees it, knows it, feels it and redeems it.

 God overwhelms whatever overwhelms us with Himself.

When we can find God’s presence in our pain

God is able to carry us through anything.

 If you find yourself in times of trouble, conflict or brokenness

or if you sense there must be a better way to do this life

let us @youlivetrue.com be part of God’s being present to you. Contact us.

And Thanks! for passing this blog on

to someone you think might be interested.

Jesus Shows Us ‘The Way’

Here’s a very personal video message from us for Easter weekend.  We hope you’ll use it as some part of your own private reflections.  May you receive a significant breakthrough as you acknowledge The One Who Shows Us The Way in everything.

Click this on: 

Where Is God In Our Loss

Last week, we held a memorial service for my sister-in-law, Leslie Chandler Robinson.  It was hard.  It was hard on multiple fronts.  The first, most gut wrenching one was the fact that her transfer from here to heaven, feels like a tragic loss to those of us left behind.

 Here was a woman who had grown into one of the most life-giving people you would ever want to know.  Her enthusiasm for life… her delight in her family and friends…her care and compassion for everyone she met…her commitment to God and his people, made you feel like she should be one of the last to go.

Yet, in a matter of six months, this perfectly healthy, middle-age wife,mother, sister, sister-in-law, aunt, cousin and friend, went from taking a common antibiotic which led to a photo toxic reaction which led to sepsis in her bloodstream …and then she was gone.

 She fought hard.

We are having trouble picturing life without her.

At the memorial service, I talked about the suffering and loss we are feeling and the gains that God is giving Leslie.  

Right now, in this post, let’s take a look at our loss:


First, there’s the big “Why?!” question and what happened to all those prayers hundreds and hundreds of us were praying for her?

When we, who believe in God, go through painful experiences we’re bound to struggle. We say or think things like, “I thought God was good all the time.” “I thought God loved me.” Or “If God watches over me, cares about me, how could He let this happen to me or to this precious person I love?” 

All this is a natural response to our suffering.

 The paradox of what we see both in scripture and in our lives is that we live in mystery.  

The mystery of the cross shows us that whatever it means that “God watches over us”-  it doesn’t mean that God prevents tragic things … cruel things.. unfair things from happening.

We see this when God allowed His own son Jesus to go through a tragic, cruel, and unfair death on a cross. Even though Jesus felt abandoned in his darkest hour, God’s silence did not mean He was absent in that moment.

Actually, God was anything but absent!

In our times of greatest need God carries us through the intimate depths of the tragic thing itself and continues to do so in every moment of our lives until the experience or death itself transforms into something miraculous, mysterious, breathtaking.

The people, who prayed for Leslie, entered into her suffering through their prayers. They joined with God in compassion for her. They asked God to be near her- and He was, and to heal her- and He did.  He just answered our prayers in a different way than what we thought was best.

Either way Leslie needed a miracle. I can think of nothing more miraculous than a soul’s transfer from earth into the eternal Presence of God.  All the while, the rest of us grew in our compassion and selflessness, becoming even more God-like in the process. She got a greater gift than we could ourselves believe for.

Either way, it’s all gift.

1 Cor 3: 22-23  Everything is already yours as a gift—the world, life, death, the present, the future—all of it is yours, and you are privileged to be in union with Christ… 

Our lives are gifts supernaturally given to us. But, the circumstances of our life don’t always seem like a gift nor do they indicate how God feels about us.

 Rom 8:38-39 says that “I am convinced that neither death nor life…things present nor things to come, nor any power can separate us from the love of God.”

God’s constant and final word on how He feels about us is- Love… as revealed by the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross… not by whatever pain, sorrow or trouble we may face.

The profound paradox and mystery of earthly life is – there will always be the simultaneous co- existence of deep suffering and loss, mingled with intense love and joy.

And here is another mystery: Our God is all at one time in Christ both a conquering, victorious Savior and also a humanly suffering servant. What a paradox!  He both suffers WITH us and FOR us… But then, gets us THROUGH it.

Ours mind can’t fully comprehend paradox. They were not designed to. Only the soul can hold these competing mysteries and be transformed by the experience. 

While God’s original design and desire for us was never to suffer, it is often through suffering that God carries us deeper into an understanding of who we are in Him and Who He is in us.

Song of Solomon 8 seems to sum up every resurrection we experience with Jesus: “Love is stronger than death.” 

Love will win.  Love is all that remains. ANYONE who has walked through any type of personal death (and there are many forms of it) will tell you how TRUE this is.

That’s why suffering in and of itself never gets the last word. In Christ, death always, every time, gives way to a resurrection.

In Him there is always life. There is always hope. There is much beauty even on the other side of suffering like hell.

In fact, the Bible promises that EVERY horrible thing that ever happened

will not only be UNDONE and REPAIRED, but will in some way make the joy beyond it even greater!


This is what Leslie’s family and friends are clinging to this week:  with Jesus, we find the power to hold the pain of life until it transforms us and resurrects us.

If you feel you need some help in seeing the transformation God is at work on right now in your own situation, email us for a consultation @kairoscollective.com.

Next post: What Leslie gained through our loss.