LT Podcast 2: The One Argument We Can Never Win

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The One Argument You Can Never WinHere is a brief summary of today’s episode of “The Live True Podcast.” You can use this as a reference or reminder of key things you feel like you need to pay attention to or pass on to others, in the next 7 days of your life.

What’s TRUE: What are the internal ROOTS of your life that can help you name & own what is good AS well as what is distorted in you that drives & produces your external life?

There is 1 Argument We Can Never Win

We’ve discovered there is actually 1 argument that will sabotage your life and relationships, every single time.

The only time we suffer is when we believe a thought about ourselves or someone else or something else, that argues with “what is.”

What you think what happened, “shouldn’t have happened” you need to realize that it did happen and no thinking can change it. This doesn’t mean you condone it or approve of it. It just means you can see things without resistance.

We are working on being lovers of what is, because it hurts when we argue with reality that always leads to tension and frustration. When we stop opposing reality, action then becomes simple, fluid, and fearless.


* Irritations:

What’s hiding beneath your irritations?

We’re sitting in the car ready to go. But, first, David needs to send a text — a very, very long text. I wait, wait, wait a good 20 seconds before I say, “Wow. That’s a really long text you got going on there. Wouldn’t it be better to just leave him a voicemail? That would save a ton of time. I mean, seriously, your fingers must really be hurting.”

David keeps texting, pretends to be deaf. He is committed to this text. There’s no turning back.

There’s nowhere special we need to be, but I’m feeling increasing agitation. I am ready to go now. (I somehow forget the 105,819 times David has waited in the car for me while I change outfits no less than three times.) I find his text of biblical proportions totally unnecessary so, suddenly; I become the Paragon of Informational Efficiency. Wouldn’t it be better to just leave him a voice mail?

Why am I saying this? Because the delay I’m experiencing is not about me. I am feeling inconvenienced. I am somehow more important than whatever David has going on.

I am not consciously thinking this, of course; I’m a much better person than that! But, somewhere, in the middle of this 2–minutes- tops-scenerio I slowly become aware of something inside me that will feel better if I get my way, if I can alter this tiny situation a little more to my liking— if I can take control.

Oh, wait. If I am in control— then God cannot be.

Why does it feel important that I get my way on this?

Everything that irritates us about others

can lead us to an understanding of ourselves

Carl Jung

When we learn to observe our reactivity to a person or situation—we get a front row seat to a defining moment in our own spiritual transformation.

That’s the exact place God is at work in us right there.

“Whatever comes, God comes with it.”

Ask God : What’s really going on beneath my irritation/frustration/aggravation?

* Resistance

Some years ago, I worked with a person who always rubbed me the wrong way. I felt tense around them, even though I could see them making efforts to be nice. Something about their approach seemed disingenuous and I always felt an unspoken power struggle between us whether we were discussing the agenda for a meeting or decorations for an event. I intuitively did not trust this person and I resisted them.

I get resistant in situations where I feel:

  • threatened
  • fearful
  • uncared for
  • hurt
  • unrecognized
  • someone powering up on me
  • someone resisting me

When we feel settled inside, knowing we are whole, enough and thoroughly loved we can lay down our struggle for power, control, and our resistant stance to anything or anyone that appears to come against us. (Note: does not apply when someone attempts to physically harm you.)

Matthew 5:40-41 ” And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.”

When you know What’s True, then you can…

Live TRUE: What can be the RHYTHMS & practices of your life that will re-align you with the life you want & allow you to participate in the life God intends for you to have?

  1. Read the following quote, several times a day, for the next 7 days and see if some of your resistance doesn’t begin to fade into a bigger reality:

“In God I am fully complete, at my core it is all Good. I have no territory to protect because nothing of True & Lasting Value can ever be taken from me. The battle for me has been won. It is safe to lay down my weapons. I no longer argue with what is happening in the present moment.” Caron Loveless

  1. Each day, for the next 7 days, seek to live in Awareness of:

– What are you feeling in your physical body and in your emotions, that might be alerting you to how you are either arguing with reality or being receptive to it?

– What is the reality concerning who you really are and what is most real about what is going on with you?

Allow the Holy Spirit to nudge you toward & experience this within yourself that: You are lavishly loved as you are; You are being fully provided for; and You have been given meaningful purpose.

Join the Conversation

Our favorite part of doing these podcasts is participating in the conversation they provoke. Each week, we’ll ask one question. This week, it is this:

Question: “Where do you wrestle or struggle “accepting what is?” “What’s been your experience with this?”

Ask Us a Question

If you have a question, comment, or thought to share with us,  we’d love to hear from you.  Simply click here: “COMMUNICATE w/ David & Caron.

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Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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4 thoughts on “LT Podcast 2: The One Argument We Can Never Win

  1. What insight! This podcast helps in identifying and relinquishing areas where I have subtly (and sometimes not so subtly ?) tried to control life. The statement that if I am in control then I am not letting God control my life is simply the truth! The truths shared in this podcast are so gracefully and personally shared that it truly helps enable us to see! Thank you, Caron and David!

    • Thanks Martha! Your comments are way too generous. We love this podcast because of the impact “arguing with what is” has had on our own lives. It’s huge for most of us and if we can encourage just a few more people to pay attention to what’s happening with this it will hugely help the cause.

      Grateful for the feedback !

  2. Thoroughly enjoyed your podcast. You two are an amazing, inspirational couple. I’m looking forward to your future podcasts and blogs….I really need your insight and guidance in my life right now. It feels so good to know I have a new tool with “you live true ” thank you both ?

    • Thanks Kathy. We’re so glad to hear The Live True Podcast is being a tool of encouragement to you. The things we talk about and write about in our blogs, are actually tools we use in our own lives or should I say we’re practicing ?ourselves.
      So Great to hear from you. We pray the nearness of God’s strength and peace be evident for all you need today.