A Proven Framework For Personal Transformation

We have always been the kind of people who were zealous to grow and gain mastery in our attitudes, actions and relationships. We kept the latest books on our nightstand, in our brief case and on our Kindle.

You could find us perched on the front row at cutting-edge seminars eager to take copious notes. And we set regular times to pour over scripture and pray (and, sometimes, fast) all in an earnest search for personal improvement, spiritual progress, vocational success and relational harmony.


You may have done a few of those things yourself. 

Sometimes, the solutions we found worked for awhile. We’d get breakthroughs, gain some new insight.

Then stuff would come up.

And the same old glitches would surface internally, vocationally or relationally. And off we’d go again in search of a better way.

Then, finally, after a lot of years of trial and error in leadership, love, and life we landed on what, for us, has turned out to be a proven framework for lasting personal transformation.

LTP 18- Our #1 Go-To Tool For Personal Transformation

In this podcast Episode, David & Caron Loveless discuss how to use a specific tool that can bring personal clarity and see quantum internal shifts that give you the ability to dramatically improve your emotional, spiritual, professional and relational life. 

Listen to the Audio

Here is a brief summary of today’s episode of “The Live True Podcast.”  You can use this as a reference or reminder of key things you feel like you need to pay attention to or pass on to others, in the next 7 days of your life.

Earlier this week we wrote a blog on: “One Simple Test That Can Change Your Life.”  Today on this podcast, we want to go more in-depth regarding this transformational tool.

This tool is like an MRI for the soul that can help you pinpoint both the goodness in you as well as what is causing you to suffer… and where you also make others suffer.


What we’ve discovered is this:

It is actually at the intersection of knowing God

and authentically knowing ourselves

that we find genuine and lasting transformation.

One Simple Test That Can Change Your Life

It’s hard to imagine what life was like before X-rays, MRI’s and brain scans. Thanks to these incredible detection devices we can now know what ails us with pinpoint accuracy.

Wouldn’t it be great to have a similar tool for our souls? A tool that can help us more accurately detect our emotional and spiritual health? Well, we think there actually is one. We have used it on ourselves, and on many others and the results have brought tremendous insight and life change to us all.


And today we want to share it with you.

There was a time we believed

the key to personal and spiritual health and growth

could be summed up in simply knowing and following God.

Sounds right, doesn’t it? But, let’s think about that.

Think about the people you know who thoroughly believe in God, they go to church, attend Bible studies, and pray. And, maybe these folks do really good things for others, they’re super generous with their time and talents yet, still, there are some pretty significant snags and gaps in their attitudes, actions or relationships.

No one is perfect.  But, if success in life comes from just knowing and following God, why is it that so many of us are not farther along?

Our Top Five Blog Posts You Chose In 2015


So, how did we do? WordPress.com just sent us their “annual report” for youlivetrue.com and here are some of the cool things they told us about your preferences in 2015:

* The Live True blog was viewed about 17,000 times. The Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. If our blog was a concert at the opera house it would take about 6 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.


* Our busiest day of the year

was April 23rd when we posted your

#1 Most Viewed Blog! 

Nothing to Prove: Chapter 2: What We Know Now

The following is an excerpt from our new ebook that is available beginning today.  This book is a a very candid, behind the scenes look, at the journey of transformation that we’ve been on the last several years, and the things we’ve learned that can help change your life as well.


Chapter 2:  What We Know Now


You can never be other than who you are

until you are willing to embrace the reality of who you are.

David Benner

You don’t have to experience a tragedy like ours, or any other failure with a thousand different names, in order to identify the real root of your own internal issues. We hope it won’t come to that. Our purpose in writing this book is to help you avoid some of the ditches in your future if at all possible. Unfortunately, for many of us it often does take a serious trial, illness or loss to break us open enough to see parts of our life that aren’t working so well.

An Unexpected Place to Meet God

To connect and be close to God is really the most natural thing in the world. Unfortunately, religion has often made it complicated and un-natural.  Here is just one of five simple ways you can use to bring an extraordinary God into your ordinary day.

Meeting God where your wild beasts roam

Have you ever noticed what happens when you’re all alone… when it gets quiet… when there is nothing to distract you?  Often times, that’s when the “wild beasts” appear.


These ‘beasts’ are the things we would rather not deal with… un-healed hurts… past negative conversations that prick your ego…reminders of past failures… current lack… or anticipated need.

When most of us feel these beasts lurking, we immediately try to distract ourselves because we get fearful or uncomfortable with the feelings they stir up. Stop right there. That is exactly the place, that uncomfortable, fearful, anxious moment, where God is.

The Unexpected Path to Humility

I am always surprised when I meet a truly humble person – first, because it is such a rare event. But, what I’ve noticed just getting around them is I feel instantly drawn in. Maybe, this is because, for a few minutes, at least, their calming presence convinces me to release my constant, unconscious vigil to convince everyone I am a wonderful, capable and very special person.


Maybe, I feel comfortable with humble people because they seem so ordinary, like they have nothing to prove and no desire to compete with me in some life defining turf war.  They just seem so comfortable within themselves. Maybe this is why they seem so strange to us! Who do you know that is truly content within themselves?

LTP 7- I’m Sorry. Please Forgive Me

Why is saying we’re sorry; asking forgiveness; admitting we’re wrong, so painfully difficult?

Here is a brief summary of today’s episode of “The Live True Podcast.”  You can use this as a reference or reminder of key things you feel like you need to pay attention to or pass on to others, in the next 7 days of your life.


*  A defended ego makes it difficult to apologize.  Our ego fears vulnerability because somewhere we learned this is a sign of weakness. We have trouble separating our actions from our True Self.

We think…  

Being Wrong  = Being Stupid

LT Podast 6- Why You Must Know Your Ego

To listen to today’s podcast, simply click on the “play” button on the podcast player above OR if you’ve already subscribed to “The Live True Podcast” then the episode can be accessed through either your Apple or Android device, in your podcast app.

Here is a brief summary of today’s episode of “The Live True Podcast.”  You can use this as a reference or reminder of key things you feel like you need to pay attention to or pass on to others, in the next 7 days of your life.IMG_6883What exactly is the Ego? 

We used to think when someone’s ego was showing that person was pretty much just full of himself, bigger than life, sucking all the air out a room to keep himself pumped up and sure of himself.

But, we’re discovering that’s only the tip of iceberg , a kind of the caricature version of the ego –there’s so much more

LT Podcast 5 – Perfectly Positioned (with guest Francis Anfuso)

To listen to today’s podcast, simply click on the “play” button on the podcast player above OR if you’ve already subscribed to “The Live True Podcast” then the episode can be accessed through either your Apple or Android device, in your podcast app.


Here is a brief summary of today’s episode of “The Live True Podcast.”  You can use this as a reference or reminder of key things you feel like you need to pay attention to or pass on to others, in the next 7 days of your life.

Perfectly Positioned:  An interview with Francis Anfuso