The Unexpected Path to Humility

I am always surprised when I meet a truly humble person – first, because it is such a rare event. But, what I’ve noticed just getting around them is I feel instantly drawn in. Maybe, this is because, for a few minutes, at least, their calming presence convinces me to release my constant, unconscious vigil to convince everyone I am a wonderful, capable and very special person.


Maybe, I feel comfortable with humble people because they seem so ordinary, like they have nothing to prove and no desire to compete with me in some life defining turf war.  They just seem so comfortable within themselves. Maybe this is why they seem so strange to us! Who do you know that is truly content within themselves?

If You’re Running On Empty

Things seem to go empty just when you need them most.

Like, you’re making a turkey sandwich, you reach in the frig and the mayonnaise jar is empty.  Or, you’re twenty minutes late for an appointment across town and you look down and your fuel gauge reads “empty.” Or you’re hiking in the desert, in August, and you open your canteen but …it’s empty.


Empty things are a problem for us.

How to Be a Better Lover

Most people I know want to be better lovers.


There are a ton of books out there on how to get the love you want, how attract the love of your life and be ecstatically happy with your soulmate forever.  Nothing wrong with getting the love you want or even looking for someone to love you.

But, true love is a gift that’s bursting to be given. That’s what love does.

And, whether we want to give someone 1,000 dollars or one selfless act of kindness we’ve got to possess that thing before we can give it away.

How to Catch Your Shadow Self in the Act

These days we spend a lot of time coaching and counseling people who are trying to grow through some area of their life that is not working.



Their work world or personal life is not moving as fluid as they’d like and they’ve come to us to figure out how to live, love and lead better. Some want to know what’s causing them to feel stuck or what caused them to experience failure.

One of the first things we notice in these conversations is how honest and in touch a person, couple or leader is able to be with their shadow self. 

How to Talk to That Voice in Your Head

How to Talk to That Voice in Your HeadListening to the voice in my head has caused me a lot of suffering. You know the voice I’m talking about.

Throughout the day it shows up, uninvited, and hijacks your thoughts. The voice dishes out color commentary about you and other people or situations. Sometimes, it wakes you up at night. It sounds like a cross between a drill sergeant, The Wicked Witch of the West and you. And it never has anything good to report. It says things like:

  • “It’s your fault. If you had your act together / hadn’t been so clueless/ weren’t such a __________person _________wouldn’t have happened.”
  • You’re such an idiot. You shouldn’t have done/said _____________.
  • You should have done/said ___________.
  • Who do you think you are anyway? You’re never going to be __________. You’re always going to be __________.
  • You might as well face it. You don’t have what it takes to ________________________.
  • __________ is what’s wrong with you. You’re a total _________.
  • Ohmigosh! Get a clue! You are SOOOOOO old/dumb/fat/skinny/tall/short/ugly/plain/boring/slow/shy/ needy/poor/unproductive/_________. No one’s ever going to __________ you.

And because this voice can actually see through walls and brain matter and is so incredibly omniscient, it also tells us, with great accuracy, what other people are thinking. Like…

The Most Common Cause of Conflict In Love Relationships

IMG_6134My husband, David, and I have a ton of things in common. We both like sports. We both enjoy being in nature, hiking or biking or just reading together at the beach or by a lake. We both love challenging conversation around big ideas. We appreciate just about every genre of music. We are both first-born, natural leaders.

And our mutual passion for God and personal spiritual growth was one of the first things that attracted us to each other as college students.

For all the rich goodness in our relationship we also had

a couple of reoccurring relational snags that kept tripping us up. 

These glitches distracted us from what we agree is a rare and remarkable love. And, sometimes, those rough patches blinded us from seeing the best in each other and our relationship.

What was going on? 

The #1 Thing You MUST DO NOW to Live a Healthy, Happy Life

IMG_5951Like a lot of people, I’ve been detoxing my life.  More and more I’m “going green” in my food, cosmetics & cleaning supplies. And, I was just starting to feel proud of myself until I learned there’s one thing that could totally wipe out even the best of my healthy intentions.

In fact, scientists say, this one thing could literally be killing me right now.

My thoughts.

Crazy, I know. But, the people that study these things say the science is all there to back this up.

Our thoughts are killing us!

The facts are:  all those negative, stressful, anxious, angry, wounded, irritated  thoughts – thoughts that until now we’ve seen as -harmlessly human -are actually THE CAUSE of 75-98 percent of all mental, physical and behavioral illness.

According to Dr. Caroline Leaf in her book, Switch On Your Brain, research shows only 2-25 percent of mental and physical illness comes from the environment and genes.

This is alarming to me for two reasons:

3 Hidden Ways You Stress Yourself Out

This week we want to repost a blog we’ve gotten a lot of emails and comments on. Stress is a HUGE issue for so many of us and I wish someone had told me years ago about these three hidden stressors. Let us know what you think.


FullSizeRenderI’m coming to see that a great deal of my stress is not caused by circumstances beyond my control – but by my need to control my circumstances.  

I could give you a ton of examples of this ( and so could those brave, intrepid souls who have lived and worked with me 🙂 but one incident that quickly comes to mind is the time a team of us spent three hot, sweaty days preparing for our son’s outdoor wedding reception at the beautiful lakefront home of his in-laws-to-be.

 It was fun and exciting and stressful.

I was the “wedding coordinator.” And we pulled out the stops to make this moment as fabulous as we could imagine, complete with a huge tent, newly constructed dance- floor -deck with those cool dangling lights, a fireworks barge on the lake and giant search lights beaming love into the night sky for all the world, or at least, everyone within 10 miles, to see.

It was glorious.

Until the worst thunderstorm in recorded history suddenly hit…

47 Quotes That Will Change Your Life

IMG_1967True confessionI’m a quote hoarder.

I underline, dog-ear, highlight, copy and paste other people’s wisdom several times a day. I keep 3×5 cards in my purse and scribble quotes in the dark at the movies. I say, “Ooooh that’s a good one.”  A lot.

And I’ve been doing this for years.

So, today, I’m sharing just a sliver of the insight, advise and sayings that have caught my eye, grabbed my heart and challenged me to grow. They are changing me. And I hope these ancient/modern musings make you stop and think or reevaluate your own view of things and, like they have for me, may they give you a little more juice for your journey of living, loving and leading.

What I want you to know: 

* It caused me great pain (no torture) to limit this to merely 47.  

*Quotes appear in no certain order.  They are ALL my favorites.

*Just because I quote someone it doesn’t mean I agree with every single thing they have ever written or what they believe. (Heck, I can’t recall ever agreeing with everything ANYONE has ever said.) I like the adage, “Chew the meat and spit out the bones.”

*All truth is God’s Truth no matter who presents it.  I draw from all kinds of sources that resonate with my own life experience or with the Spirit in me. I want to be able to learn from anyone.

* Pick one quote to pass on or to tape to your bathroom mirror. 

*Read slow and… savor.


1) The longer one stays in flight from reality, the more painful will be the landing.

Taite Adams


2) Your task is not to seek for love but to merely find the barriers within yourself that you have built up against it.



3) The thing about denial is that it doesn’t feel like denial when it’s going on. 

    Georgina Kleege


4) We become whomever we trust the most says we are.

     Bob Goff


5) I was born, when all I once feared, I could love.



6) Where is the Life we lost in living? 



7) We have all laid the best plans for our children, and then they go out and ruin it all by growing up any way they want to.

   Kristina Riggle


8) The way we treat people we disagree with most is a report card on what we’ve learned about love. 

    Bob Goff


9) In prosperity our friends know us. In adversity, we know our friends.

G.K. Chesterton


10) For although God is right with us and in us and out of us and all through us, we have to go on journeys to find him.

Thomas Merton


 11) When I believed my thoughts I suffered.

       Byron Katie


12) It’s all that pretending to be perfect that breeds inauthenticity in the church.

       Rich Mullins


13) All paths do not lead to God. But God will meet you on whatever path you’re on.



14) You can either practice being right or practice being kind.

Anne Lamott


15) Sin never introduces itself to us as pain.

      David Loveless


16) The lesson that has been hardest for me to learn: there is nothing to prove. 

      Rob Bell


17) You have power over your mind- not over outside events. Realize this and you will find strength. 

     Marcus Aurelius


18) You need to select your thoughts the same way you select your clothes every day. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on your mind. That’s the only thing you should be trying to control. 

     Elizabeth Gilbert


19) Sometimes, to be happy in the present moment, you have to be willing to give up hope for a better past.

   Robert Holden


20) One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.

     Bob Marley


21) Sometimes, in life, nothing happens. But, sometimes, nothing happens beautifully.

      Colum McCann


22) When you say a situation or a person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God.

     Charles Allen


23) We find it hard to love imperfect things so we imagine God is just as small as we are. If we expect or need things to be perfect or to our liking ( including ourselves) we have created a certain path for a very unhappy life.

    Richard Rohr


24) We are shaped by what we love.



25) Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

      Jessica Howell


26) The impeded stream is the one that sings.

Wendell Berry


27) No matter how bad things are, you can always make things worse.

      Randy Pausch


28) Love is the absence of judgement.

      Dali Lama XIV


29) I was changing my outfits, my looks, my wig, sometimes several times a day. That’s when I know my soul is restless. 

     Lady Gaga


30) Sin is unwillingness to trust that what God wants for me is only my deepest happiness.

Ignatius of Loyola


31) There are three things we have to let go of. The first is the compulsion to be successful. Second, is the compulsion to be right—especially theologically right. (That’s merely an ego trip, and because of this “need” churches split in half, with both parties prisoners of their own egos.) Finally, there is the compulsion to be powerful, to have everything under control.

    Richard Rohr


32) The truth is everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find out the ones worth suffering for.

  Bob Marley


33) The way you measure the difference between being blessed or being spoiled is the degree to which you feel entitled to it. 

    Mike Breen


34) Be with those who help your being.



35) I will learn to love the skies I’m under

      Mumford & Sons


36) Someone’s therapist knows all about you.

       Dominic Riccitello


37) None of your sins survived the cross. 

Clark Whitten


38) You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming.

       Pablo Neruda


39) How will you know if you are at the end of your journey if you take the road to another man’s city?

      Thomas Merton


40) He has great tranquility of heart who cares for neither the praises or the fault-finding of men. You are not holier if you are praised, nor more worthless if you are found fault with. What you are, that you are. And no human opinion can alter who you are in the sight of God. 

Thomas ‘a Kempis


41) It’s never about “them.”

      Byron Katie


42) If you don’t love the life God has given you then you’re not seeing the love God has for you. 

Francis Anfuso


43) Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.

      Carl Jung


44) Suffering is a privilege. It moves us toward thinking of essential things and shakes us out of complacency. Calamity cracks you open, moves you to change your ways. 

Pico Iyer


45) Everyone wants to change the world, but no one wants to help mom do the dishes.  



46) If you do not transform your wounds you will transmit them. 

Richard Rohr


47) Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be. 

    Thomas ‘a Kempis



48) BONUS Freebie! 

Whatever comes, God comes with it.

Caron Chandler Loveless



You can reach me at [email protected]

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Don’t Take This Personal, but… -Part 1

Our last blog was a sweet little take on 8 Ways to Give Better Feedback. Getting good at giving feedback is a significant life skill we can all use whether we’re an employer, parent or …a heat-seeking HOA president. (more on him below)

Giving feedback is easy.

But what does it take to receive feedback

without embarrassment, anger, tears, defensiveness, sharpening your ninja blades,

or bingeing on double chocolate cake? 

Well, I’m working on that. Most of my life, I’ve been horrible at this.   

When some of us hear we’re missing the mark in anything, even if it’s done in the sweetest, most tender way, it feels like an all out personal attack. We are the ultra sensitive lot and we hang out on the far end of what I’ll call the FSM. (Feedback Sensitivity Meter.)

At the opposite end are The Few, The Proud, The Brave who cannot wait to get their job performance review because:  a) they’re sure they’ve knocked it out of the park   b)they can’t wait to take the next hill in their personal development.

Can we just agree not to like those people? 

On a scale of 1-10 where would you put yourself on the Feedback Sensitivity Meter?




(1– you’re oblivious to criticism, 10-you need serious meds before any corrective encounter)


* What might your direct report say about the number you chose?

* Your friends?

* Your siblings?

* Your roommate?

* Your spouse?


If you think you’re between a 1-4ask some of the folks above to confirm

your impression and give yourself a high-five.

If you think you’re between a 5-10—keep reading. 


First thing we always hear when someone has correction to offer us is…

“Don’t take this personal, but….”

In the famous words of Kathleen Kelly to Joe Fox in You’ve Got Mail, “All that means is that it wasn’t personal to you. But it was personal to me. It’s personal to a lot of people. Whatever else anything is, it ought to begin by being personal.” 


you've got mail


Many of us already spend a lot time in our heads in self-criticism. Some of us lived in critical, abusive or unsupportive homes as kids. We are always on alert, reactive to the sting of even well-intentioned feedback. Deep inside, we believe we are flawed and any confirmation of this, like someone suggesting personal improvement, can feel humiliating.

So, how can we open ourselves up to constructive feedback about

our work, our habits, our communication style…our flaws?

A number of significant shifts need to happen in the core of our soul. Our foundation is cracked. Our anchor is loose. The honest truth is some part of us needs to be spiritually and emotionally re-parented.

Oh great, you say. I’ll just add THAT to the calendar for next week.

 Yeah, that needs to be seriously looked at, but in the meantime start here:

– OBSERVE the way you filter information coming toward you.   

Each of us has a personality pattern that receives incoming comments through a uniquely constructed, subconscious filter.

You can say all day long that the grass is green but if I’ve got amber sunglasses on I’m going insist the grass looks gold.  Our unique personality style colors everything we see and hear.

There are nine different personality filters and in our LIVE TRUE Personality & Relational Styles Workshop we teach the beauty and the distortion each type brings to the table.

Once we see the predictable filter we use to hear feedback 

we can better adjust our reactions to other points of view.

 A view point is simply a view from a point. If I am at one place on a mountain in Switzerland I can see a whole lot of the landscape. But, I only see what my view point allows me to see.  Someone else on another spot on the same mountain will have different vistas to report.

When we learn to receive feedback in an undefended way it opens us up to so many (at least 8 other) ways of viewing our life, our work and our relationships. Each persons view is valid. And each of us is convinced our view point offers the best perspective.

But, it’s just our view from our point on the mountain.

To map the whole mountain we need other eyes on the topography. 

When we argue, often it’s because both parties are seeing the same mountain from two different points. We both see it correctly. Perfectly. And we spend enormous energy trying to convince each other our view is the best. 

True spiritual and emotional maturity is learning to seek and

accept the valid perspective of others. 

They help us see and complete “The True Picture of Us.” They see us from their spot on the mountain. They report to us what we cannot possibly see on our own.

 And it helps if they do this in love.

A few months ago I was coming home from an errand with two grandkids in the backseat. Taylor -seven.  JD-five. Because I firmly believe every car ride with a child must be educational, conversational or recreational I proposed a game as we pulled into our subdivision.

“I bet I can make it into our driveway before you can count to ten.” 

Always up for a challenge the kids start counting, and after seeing no oncoming cars, I take a quick short cut, a left turn onto our street….instead of going all the way around the appropriate roundabout at the intersection.

For ten delightful seconds there was great fun in the car

and I pulled victoriously into our driveway right at the shout of “TEN!”

Then a car screeched to a halt in front of our house and a man bolted up our driveway. And without so much as a ” Good afternoon, ” he burst out yelling,

“Do you know what you just did back there?!” 

uhhh..I’m sorry..” (What in the world– I think- my blood hitting boil) ” and you are….?”

“Do you realize that was against the law?! You must use the roundabout. Someone could have been hurt back there.”

“Oh for goodness, sake!!!  There were no other cars in sight. And, who, sir, might you be?” 

“I am Helmut Weinerhowzer- President of the Homeowners Association. We are trying to run a nice, respectable neighborhood here. We can’t have people breaking the law! 

Adrenalin is now shooting out my pores, “Well, I assure you, sir, I AM a respectable neighbor and….”

At this point, David hears commotion outside and comes to investigate. And after seeing the man’s outrage he says in his best imitation of Solomon,

 ” I see. And was anyone hurt in this incident?” 

“Well, no. But, they could have been…it’s my job to see that things are done right.  I even pick up the trash on the tennis court. We just want a nice, decent neighborhood.” 

 “I’m sure you do a great job at that and I can assure you that’s the kind of neighborhood we want as well. I don’t believe you’ll have any trouble in the future with illegal driving from us. Thanks for stopping by.” 

“Ok, well. I’m just trying to do my job.” 

They shake hands like two guys after a pick up game.

I barely tag the man’s hand, my heart racing, my eyes blazing hot. 

Our local neighborhood watchdog just dropped by that afternoon to offer me a bit of constructive feedback from his unique point of view. And he truly had one —I never even saw his car because he was driving right behind me.

I stand corrected.

* Whose perspective have you been discounting? What have you observed about the way you filter correction directed to you?

If you could use a little help seeing the bigger picture, a larger perspective of your church, staff, team, marriage or yourself, we’re here to help you.

You can reach me at [email protected]




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